Creating PMTiles
Tippecanoe is the supported tool for converting datasets into tiles. Tippecanoe version 2.17 and later supports direct PMTiles output.
An example of how to convert a Shapefile: US Census Bureau Tabulation Areas in two steps, using GDAL's ogr2ogr
command line tool:
ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k.json cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k.shp
# Creates a layer in the vector tiles named "zcta"
tippecanoe -zg --projection=EPSG:4326 -o cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k_nolimit.pmtiles -l zcta cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k.json
To merge multiple pmtiles files into a single file use tile-join
tool, which is shipped with Tippecanoe
# Merge all PMTiles files in current folder into single file
tile-join -o merged.pmtiles *.pmtiles
the pmtiles
command line tool converts MBTiles to PMTiles with this command:
pmtiles convert INPUT.mbtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles
Using a file from OSGeo's GeoTIFF samples and the rio-mbtiles Python tool:
# convert single-band to 3-band RGB GeoTIFF
gdal_translate -expand rgb input.tif input_rgb.tif
# in this example create 512x512 PNG tiles from zooms 0 to 16.
rio mbtiles input_rgb.tif output.mbtiles --format PNG --zoom-levels 0..16 --tile-size 512 --resampling bilinear
pmtiles convert output.mbtiles output.pmtiles
GDAL has native support for PMTiles starting with version 3.8.0 (2023-11-13), see for details.
Using ogr2ogr to create vector PMTiles is recommended only for smaller datasets: the tippecanoe tool creates much more efficient overview tiles.
GDAL's ogr2ogr
tool supports a wide range of formats as input for creating PMTiles. Below are examples of generating PMTiles from a Shapefile or multiple PostgreSQL/PostGIS tables.
# Convert shapefile to to pmtiles
ogr2ogr -dsco MINZOOM=10 -dsco MAXZOOM=15 -f "PMTiles" filename.pmtiles my_shapes.shp
# Merge all PostgreSQL/PostGIS tables in a schema into a single PMTiles file.
ogr2ogr -dsco MINZOOM=0 -dsco MAXZOOM=15 -f "PMTiles" filename.pmtiles "PG:host=my_host port=my_port dbname=my_database user=my_user password=my_password schemas=my_schema"
is sufficient for street-level mapping. Choosing less detail with a lowerMAXZOOM
will reduce the size of the final file.
The basemaps repository on GitHub contains a java Planetiler profile for generating planet-scale PMTiles from OpenStreetMap. The layers in this tileset are documented at Basemap Layers and daily builds can be downloaded for free from
Run the basemaps program on your own computer to modify the layers or generate only one specific area.
Tilemaker is a program for creating basemap tilesets from OpenStreetMap, though not ones that match the layers in the Protomaps Basemap Layers. The PMTiles directories that Tilemakers produces are currently not optimized, which may result in large, slower fetches when decoding in a web browser. An alternative is to create MBTiles from Tilemaker and then use pmtiles convert