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Basemap Downloads


The Protomaps Basemap is a general purpose vector base map - city labels, roads, water features and other essential location context derived from OpenStreetMap. It's available as a single PMTiles archive, distributed as an Open Database License Produced Work (OpenStreetMap attribution required)

A full planet file is roughly 120 gigabytes, including zoom levels from 0 to 15.

Please note that URLs may change and hotlinking to these downloads are discouraged. Instead, you should copy the tileset to your own Cloud Storage.

Current Version

The Version 4 Protomaps basemap daily build channel is available at This is compatible with @protomaps/basemaps style v4.0.0 and newer.

BLAKE3 hashes are provided for daily builds. Use b3sum to verify the integrity of your downloaded file.

A mirror in the AWS us-west-2 is available on Source Cooperative (beta) at the protomaps/openstreetmap repository. This mirrors the most recent daily build only.

Build History

The daily builds bucket retains:

  • All builds for the past week.
  • Weekly monday builds for the past month.
  • The latest build for each version (major + minor + patch) beyond that.

Partial Downloads

To download a cutout of a specific region, rather than the entire world map, see the CLI's extract command.

If you don't need all 16 zoom levels of detail, use the --maxzoom option of pmtiles extract. Each additional zoom level roughly doubles the size of the file.


The AWS Registry of Open Data hosts Terrarium-encoded RGB tiles generated by the Joerd project. Below is a link of zooms 0 to 12 of this tileset, provided as-is. See the Joerd docs for attribution requirements.

terrarium-z12.pmtiles (preview)

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.