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pmtiles CLI


pmtiles is a single binary with no external dependencies.

The source code is on GitHub at protomaps/go-pmtiles.

To download, see Releases on GitHub for your OS and architecture.

An official Docker Hub image is available at protomaps/go-pmtiles.

CLI Overview

Local archives

The CLI works with local tilesets on disk, for example:

pmtiles show test.pmtiles

Remote archives

However, pmtiles can also work with remote HTTP archives and tilesets on cloud storage, even in private buckets.

pmtiles show

pmtiles uses the go-cloud library for connecting and authenticating to cloud storage.

Commands for S3, Azure Blob and Google Cloud Storage:


Commands that uses URL characters like ? and &, should be escaped by a backslash \ in your shell.

pmtiles show test.pmtiles --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME
pmtiles show test.pmtiles --bucket=azblob://CONTAINER_NAME?storage_account=ACCOUNT
pmtiles show test.pmtiles --bucket=gs://BUCKET_NAME

For S3-compatible blob storage (Minio, Cloudflare R2, etc) outside of AWS:

pmtiles show test.pmtiles --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME?endpoint=


Some S3-compatible storage servers like Minio, Ceph and SeaweedFS may require additional URL options like s3ForcePathStyle=true.

Private buckets

pmtiles uses go-cloud's default authentication methods for each cloud provider.

For example, the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables are used to sign requests to private S3-compatible buckets:

pmtiles show NAME.pmtiles --bucket=s3://R2_BUCKET_NAME\?endpoint=\&region=auto



pmtiles show INPUT.pmtiles
pmtiles show INPUT.pmtiles --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME
pmtiles show INPUT.pmtiles --header-json
pmtiles show INPUT.pmtiles --metadata

Print an archive's header data and metadata.

  • --header-json: print a JSON representation of part of the header to stdout.
  • --metadata: print the JSON metadata to stdout.


pmtiles tile INPUT.pmtiles 0 0 0

Output a single tile's contents to stdout.


pmtiles verify INPUT.pmtiles

Check that an archive is ordered correctly and has correct header information.


pmtiles extract INPUT.pmtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles --bbox=MIN_LON,MIN_LAT,MAX_LON,MAX_LAT
pmtiles extract INPUT.pmtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles --region=REGION.geojson
pmtiles extract OUTPUT.pmtiles --maxzoom=MAXZOOM
pmtiles extract INPUT.pmtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles --maxzoom=MAXZOOM --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

Create a smaller archive from a larger archive. The source archive may be local or remote. The source archive must be clustered.


  • --maxzoom: Extract only a subset of zoom levels. Extracting a full sub-pyramid from 0 to maxzoom is always an efficient operation that makes minimal I/O or network requests to the source archive.
  • --minzoom: Extract only a partial sub-pyramid. This may require many more requests than leaving the default --minzoom=0. Because this removes overview zoom levels, it should only be used in specific situations.
  • --region: a GeoJSON Polygon, Multipolygon, Feature, or FeatureCollection.
  • --download-threads Number of parallel requests to speed up downloads.
  • --overfetch extra data to download to batch small requests: 0.05 is 5%.


The simplest way to consume PMTiles on the web is directly in the browser with pmtiles.js along with a renderer-specific client. However, decoding PMTiles on the server and exposing a ZXY API works with more clients and can result in lower latency. A ZXY API is directly supported by web and native renderers such as MapLibre, without needing the PMTiles client library. Using pmtiles serve also allows serving a public API from a private storage bucket.


When using pmtiles serve, requests for the raw file like /test.pmtiles, either whole or partial range requests, are not supported. A standard web server like Apache, Nginx or Caddy can serve those.

Serve a directory or bucket of tilesets (like TILESET.pmtiles) from local or cloud storage as a ZXY endpoint:

pmtiles serve .
# serves this directory at http://localhost:8080/TILESET/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt 
# the .pmtiles extension is added automatically
# TileJSON at http://localhost:8080/TILESET.json
pmtiles serve . --bucket=
pmtiles serve / --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME
pmtiles serve PREFIX --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

For ZXY URLs, the extension must match the type of the tiles in the archive, for example mvt, png, jpg, webp, avif.


  • --cors=ORIGIN1,ORIGIN2 set the valid origins for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header. * is a valid value but must be escaped in your shell. Appropriate for development use.
  • --cache-size=SIZE_MB set the global size of the header and directory LRU cache, shared across all archives. Default is 64 MB.
  • --port=PORT specify the HTTP port. Defaults to 8080.
  • --public-url: Required for serving TileJSON. Specify the full URL as it should appear to the browser client like http://localhost:8080 or

For production usage, it's recommended to run behind a CDN or reverse proxy like Caddy to handle SSL and CORS. See the guide on Accelerating PMTiles.


Convert an MBTiles archive to PMTiles.

pmtiles convert INPUT.mbtiles OUTPUT.pmtiles

For the Docker image:

docker run -v $(pwd):/data --rm protomaps/go-pmtiles convert /data/INPUT.mbtiles /data/OUTPUT.pmtiles


  • --no-deduplication: Do not attempt to de-duplicate tile contents. Use this to speed up convert if you know the input has only unique tiles.
  • --tmpdir: specify the location of the temporary directory.


Cluster an unclustered existing archive, optimizing the size and layout. Archives created by tippecanoe, planetiler, and the pmtiles CLI are already clustered.

pmtiles cluster INPUT.mbtiles


  • --no-deduplication: Do not attempt to de-duplicate tile contents. Use this to speed up cluster if you know the input has only unique tiles.


Upload an archive to cloud storage.

# requires environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY credentials
pmtiles upload INPUT.pmtiles REMOTE.pmtiles --bucket=s3://BUCKET_NAME

You will need write permissions to the bucket, for example this AWS IAM policy:

      "Version": "2012-10-17",
      "Statement": [
              "Effect": "Allow",
              "Action": "s3:*",
              "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket-name/*"


Change parts of the archive header, or replace the archive JSON metadata.

pmtiles show NAME.pmtiles --header-json > header.json
pmtiles show NAME.pmtiles --metadata > metadata.json

# make changes to header.json or metadata.json

pmtiles edit NAME.pmtiles --header-json=header.json --metadata=metadata.json
  • The tile_type, tile_compresssion, minzoom, maxzoom, bounds and center of the header can be edited. Other fields are not editable. Editing only the header will modify the file in-place.
  • Writing the JSON metadata requires writing a new copy of the archive, which will then replace NAME.pmtiles.


pmtiles version

Print the version of the command line tool.

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.