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Google Cloud

PMTiles can be served from a Cloud Run container using the go-pmtiles Docker image.

Cloud Storage

The Cloud Run container is designed to work with existing Cloud Storage buckets.

If you need to create a new Bucket:

  1. Choose + Create in the Cloud Storage console.

  2. Pick a globally unique name for your bucket.

  3. For Location Type, choose Region: Lowest latency within a single region and make a region choice.

  4. Leave Storage Class and Prevent Public Access as the defaults.

  5. Uncheck Data Protection > Soft Delete Policy.

  6. Upload a sample PMTiles into your bucket.

Creating a Cloud Run container

  1. In the Cloud Run console, choose Create Service.

  2. Choose Deploy one revision from an existing container image.

  3. Specify the Container image URL protomaps/go-pmtiles:v1.21.0.

  4. Choose a descriptive Service name like protomaps-demo.

  5. Select the same Region as your Cloud Storage bucket.

  6. Select Allow unauthenticated invocations.

  7. For CPU Allocation Service Autoscaling, leave the defaults (only allocated during processing + 0 minimum instances).

  8. Under Container(s), Volumes, Networking, Security:

  9. Leave the default container port (8080).

  10. Leave the container command blank (default entry point)

  11. Specify the arguments: serve . --bucket=gs://BUCKET --cache-size=500 --public-url= replacing BUCKET with the name of your bucket and with your custom domain. (You may need to enter this manually in the Console for it to interpret spaces correctly.)

  12. Set Memory to 1 GiB.

  13. Change Execution Environment to 2nd Generation.

  14. Set Maximum Number of Instances to 1.

By default, Cloud Run projects in the same Project as the Storage bucket will create a Service Account to authenticate to the bucket.

You should now be able to access your tileset at these URLs: # TileJSON,requires --public-url to be set # TileJSON,requires --public-url to be set

Edge caching can be configured through Google Cloud CDN in front of this Cloud Run URL.

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.