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Basemaps for MapLibre


To render a full basemap, you'll need not only a style and a tileset, but also MapLibre fontstack and spritesheet assets.

The assets referenced by the glyphs and sprite style properties can be downloaded as ZIP files at the basemaps-assets repository, if you need to host them yourself or offline.


The glyphs key references a URL hosting pre-compiled fontstacks, required for displaying text labels in MapLibre. Fontstacks can be created with the font-maker tool.


When a style layer defines a text-font like Noto Sans Regular, this will create requests for a URL like

You can view a list of available fonts in the GitHub repository.


The sprite key references a URL specific to one of the default themes:

sprite: ""
sprite: ""

These are required for townspots, highway shields and point of interest icons.

Loading styles as JSON

Because MapLibre styles are JSON documents, the simplest way to define a style in your application is with static JSON. You can use the Get style JSON feature of to generate static JSON for a specific theme and style package version.

Creating styles programatically

For more control and less code, you can add use the protomaps-themes-base NPM package as a dependency.

Using the npm package

npm install protomaps-themes-base
npm install protomaps-themes-base
import layers from 'protomaps-themes-base';
import layers from 'protomaps-themes-base';
style: {
    version: 8,
    sprite: "",
    sources: {
        "protomaps": {
            type: "vector",
            url: "pmtiles://",
            //       ^-- Remember to prefix the URL with pmtiles://
            attribution: '<a href="">Protomaps</a> © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'
    layers: layers("protomaps","light")
style: {
    version: 8,
    sprite: "",
    sources: {
        "protomaps": {
            type: "vector",
            url: "pmtiles://",
            //       ^-- Remember to prefix the URL with pmtiles://
            attribution: '<a href="">Protomaps</a> © <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>'
    layers: layers("protomaps","light")

the default export from protomaps-themes-base is a function that takes 2 arguments:

  • the source name of the basemap, like protomaps in the sources example above.

  • the theme, one of light, dark, white, black, grayscale.

Using a CDN

Loading the protomaps-themes-base package from NPM will define the protomaps_themes_base global variable.

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
layers: protomaps_themes_base.default("protomaps","light")
layers: protomaps_themes_base.default("protomaps","light")

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.