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Cloudflare Integration

This guide walks through setting up a ZXY API using Cloudflare R2 Storage and Workers.


Cloudflare R2 is known to have higher latency (500ms or higher) than other Cloud Storage products, but lower storage and no egress costs. Evaluate this as a deployment option alongside others.


1. Upload to R2

Uploading via Web UI is limited to 300 MB.

Use rclone to upload larger PMTiles archives to R2.

This requires a token from R2 > Manage R2 API Tokens. Note Access Key ID, the Secret Access Key and the Endpoint for S3 Clients from the API key creation screen. The S3-compatible endpoint should look like: https://<ACCOUNT_ID>

Name your uploads to storage with the .pmtiles extension. Your tile requests to the Workers URL will look like /NAME/0/0/0.<mvt | png> or /NAME.json (TileJSON) for the archive NAME.pmtiles. File names must include only S3 safe characters.

2. Manual Option: Create Worker with Web Console

  1. In the Workers & Pages menu of the Cloudflare dashboard, choose Create > Create Worker.

  2. Click Deploy to publish the sample code.

  3. Edit Code and replace the existing with the bundled index.js from PMTiles/serverless/cloudflare.

  4. Choose Deploy > Save and Deploy and leave the code editing window.

  5. In Settings of your worker:

  • Choose Variables and Secrets > +Add. Name a variable ALLOWED_ORIGINS and set it to * to allow all CORS origins.

  • Choose Bindings > +Add > R2 bucket. Name your variable BUCKET and select your R2 bucket from Step 1.

  • Choose Deploy.

Your worker should now be active at its * domain, visible at the Visit link.

Make a request for /TILESET.json to verify TileJSON is served.

2. Command-line Option: Use Wrangler

  1. Clone the PMTiles repository and change to the serverless/cloudflare directory.

  2. npm install in PMTiles/serverless/cloudflare.

  3. Copy wrangler.toml.example to wrangler.toml.

  4. Edit wrangler.toml, replacing my-bucket-development and my-bucket-production with your bucket.

  5. Publish the worker: npm run deploy

After the deploy, the * subdomain will be printed.

Make a request for /TILESET.json to verify TileJSON is served.

3. Create Worker Route

For the cache to work, the worker must be assigned a zone on your own domain, not

  1. In Settings > Domains & Routes for your Worker, add a Custom Domain e.g. This will create a DNS entry in your Cloudflare site.

Verify your deployment is working by checking for the Cf-Cache-Status header with a value of HIT on successful (HTTP 200) requests.

Example with curl for vector tiles and TileJSON:

curl -v

# TileJSON for MapLibre
curl -v


Optional environment variables can be set set in [vars] of wrangler.toml or in the Workers web console.

  • PMTILES_PATH - A string like folder/{name}.pmtiles specifying the path to archives in your bucket. Default {name}.pmtiles

  • PUBLIC_HOSTNAME - Optional, override the absolute hostname in TileJSON responses. Example

  • ALLOWED_ORIGINS - a comma-separated list of allowed CORS origins. Default none. Examples:,https://localhost:3000, *

  • CACHE_CONTROL: HTTP header value to control caching, default public, max-age=86400 (1 day).

Cost Estimate

  • Cloudflare Workers is $5 USD per month with 10 million requests a month included, plus $0.30 per additional million.
  • Cloudflare R2 incurs costs for storage, write requests and read requests. These will only happen on tile cache misses. See the Cost Calculator for estimates based on usage.

Cache Invalidation

  • For Cloudflare, "Purge Cache" applies to all cached resources in the zone (domain). It's recommended to deploy on a dedicated zone for this reason.

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.