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AWS Integration


1. Upload to S3

  • Open the S3 Console and choose Create Bucket.
  • The name must be globally unique. Choose any region, just remember the region name.
    • We'll use protomaps-example as a placeholder bucket name.
    • Leave the default ACLs disabled and Block all public access setting.
    • Leave other options as the default and proceed with Create Bucket.
  • Upload a PMTiles archive: we'll use my_file.pmtiles as an example: to your bucket via the Web Console or a tool like pmtiles or rclone.

2. Lambda function

  • Open the Lambda dashboard in the same region as your bucket.
  • Choose Create Function.
    • Name your function protomaps.
    • For Runtime, leave the default choice Node.js 18.x.
    • For Architecture, choose arm64.
    • Under Change Default Execution Role, leave the default Create a new role with basic Lambda Permissions.
      • This will auto-generate a role name.
    • Under Advanced Settings, Choose Enable Function URL.
      • Under Auth Type, choose NONE.
    • Proceed with Create Function.
  • On the Configuration tab, choose General Configuration > Edit.
    • set Memory to 512 MB. This is required, and more cost effective than the default of 128.
  • On the Configuration tab, choose Environment Variables > Edit.
    • set BUCKET to your unique bucket name from Step 1.
    • set PUBLIC_HOSTNAME to the public custom domain name you'll assign to your CloudFront distribution. TileJSON responses won't work without setting this. Example:
  • In the Code tab, replace the code contents with the bundled index.mjs from PMTiles/serverless/aws.
  • Choose Deploy to deploy the function.

3. Lambda role permissions

  • In the Configuration > Permissions tab, follow the link under Execution Role > Role Name to navigate to the function's IAM role.
  • On the right side, choose Add Permissions > Create Inline Policy.
  • Choose the JSON tab and paste in the following:

(Replace protomaps-example with your bucket created in Step 1)

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::protomaps-example/*"
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:GetObject",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::protomaps-example/*"
  • Give this policy any name eg protomaps-lambda and Create Policy.
  • Return to your Lambda function's Configuration and Function URL page.

The Function URL that looks like is now active.

Make a test request for the /my_file/0/0/0.mvt (or .png, .jpg - whatever matches your data) path in your browser. This should succeed with your tile data!


This Public Lambda URL should not be used directly by browsers because it lacks caching and CORS headers, which we'll configure next.

4. CloudFront

  • Navigate to the CloudFront Dashboard and choose Create Distribution.

  • Enter your Lambda Function URL under Origin Domain.

  • for Cache Policy, choose CachingOptimized which sets a default TTL of 86400 seconds.

  • for Viewer Protocol Policy, choose Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.

  • Under Response Headers Policy, choose Create Policy.

    • enter a name protomaps-cors

    • Enable the slider Configure CORS.

    • Choose Customize under Access-Control-Allow-Origin and enter full allowed origins e.g.

    • Leave other settings as the default and proceed with Create.

    • Return to the CloudFront Configuration and choose protomaps-cors in the Response headers policy dropdown (you might need to refresh).

  • Under Settings, check HTTP/3 in addition to HTTP/2.

  • Enter a Description like protomaps.

  • Proceed with Create Distribution.

This may take a few minutes, where the Last modified value will display ... Deploying. When that's complete, you will have a working CloudFront distribution at a URL like that can be accessed directly from browsers.

Accessing your Distribution from a web map should verify that tiles are cached on second request. Tile headers should include:

x-cache: Hit from cloudfront
x-cache: Hit from cloudfront

You may next want to assign a custom domain name to your distribution through Route 53 and Certificate Manager.


Configure these Lambda environment variables:

  • BUCKET: the S3 bucket name.
  • PMTILES_PATH: optional, define how a tileset name is translated into an S3 key. Default {name}.pmtiles
    • Example path setting for objects in a directory: my_folder/{name}/file.pmtiles
  • CORS: optional, set the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. Examples:, *. Only supports one origin, so useful for development or staging environments only. For production use you should use CloudFront CORS configuration.
  • CACHE_MAX_AGE: max age in the CloudFront cache, in seconds. default 86400, or 1 day.
  • CACHE_CONTROL: HTTP header value to control caching, default public, max-age=86400 (1 day).

Accessing your Tiles

The default Cloudfront URL for your tiles:{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}

If you're using MapLibre, it's more convenient to fetch TileJSON, which will detect the tileset minzoom and maxzoom:

where {ext} is the file extension - mvt, jpg, or png - matching your tileset, and SUBDOMAIN is found at the Distribution Domain Name in the CloudFront Console.


You can access a TileJSON document for each tileset:


These endpoints will return a 404 unless the PUBLIC_HOSTNAME environment variable is set.

Cache Invalidation

  • For AWS Cloudfront, issue prefix-based invalidations at the Cloudfront Console. The first 1000 invalidations per month are free (a prefix = 1 invalidation).
  • A cache purge will result in new billable events in Lambda and reads from the origin S3 object.


  • CloudFront will transmit metrics to the CloudWatch us-east-1 region.
  • Lambda will transmit metrics to the region matching the Lambda function.
  • Cache Hit Rate: All Metrics > Cloudfront > Per-Distribution Metrics > Requests

  • Lambda Invocations: All Metrics > Lambda > By Function Name (protomaps) > Invocations

  • Lambda Execution Time: All Metrics > Lambda > By Funcion Name (protomaps) > Duration


Typical execution times for a properly configured AWS install are 125 ms p50 (mean), 800 ms p99.


  • Disable and then Delete the CloudFront Distribution.
  • Delete the Lambda function and associated policy
  • Delete the S3 Bucket.
  • Delete the IAM role.
  • (Custom domain name) Delete the certificate in Certificate Manager.
  • (Custom domain name) Delete the A and AAAA entries in Route 53.

Other Deployment Options


Lambda@Edge's multi-region features have little benefit when fetching data from S3 in a single region, and Lambda@Edge doesn't support environment variables or responses over 1 MB. For globally distributed caching, use CloudFront in combination with Lambda Function URLs.

API Gateway

  • your Lambda Proxy Integration route will need to specify a greedy capturing parameter called proxy e.g. /{proxy+} (the default).
  • API Gateway responses will always be GZIP-encoded, to work around binary content detection problems.

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.