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AWS Integration

The AWS Deployment option is based on CloudFormation, which automates the creation and deletion of all resources. You don't need to install anything; simply upload a YAML to the AWS Console.

At the end of this walkthrough, you'll have a CDN-cached ZXY API, compatible with all major map renderers, serving tiles from a private S3 bucket.


1. Upload to S3

The CloudFormation template is designed to work with an existing S3 bucket.

If you need to create a new one:

  • Open the S3 Console and choose Create Bucket.
  • Choose a globally unique bucket name, and any region, just remember the region name.
    • We'll use protomaps-example as a placeholder bucket name.
    • Leave the default ACLs disabled and Block all public access setting.
    • Leave other options as the default and proceed with Create Bucket.
  • Upload a PMTiles archive. For example, save this file as example.pmtiles. Upload to your bucket via the Web Console or a tool like rclone.

2. CloudFormation Template

  1. In the CloudFormation console for your AWS region, choose Create Stack > With new resources (standard).

  2. Choose Specify Template > Upload a template file and upload the file cloudformation-stack.yaml.

  3. Provide a stack name of your choice.

  4. for Parameters, specify:

  • The allowed CORS origins. By default, all sites (*) are authorized to make requests. Specify a comma-separated allowlist of sites e.g.,

  • The name of the bucket from step 1.

  • The CloudFront cache TTL, which is how long tiles will be cached at the edge. Default 1 day.

  • (Optional) the public hostname for TileJSON. If you plan to add a custom domain like, enter that here. Otherwise leave this blank for the default * hostname.

  1. Proceed with Next > Submit, acknowledging that it might create IAM resources.

This may take a few minutes to create the CDN distribution. When that's complete, you will have a URL like that can be accessed directly from browsers: # TileJSON for MapLibre{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext} # TileJSON for MapLibre{z}/{x}/{y}.{ext}

Accessing your Distribution from a web map should verify that tiles are cached on second request. Tile headers should include:

x-cache: Hit from cloudfront
x-cache: Hit from cloudfront

You may next want to assign a custom domain name to your distribution through Route 53 and Certificate Manager and update the public hostname in step 4 above.


  • CloudFront will transmit metrics to the CloudWatch us-east-1 region.
  • Lambda will transmit metrics to the region matching the Lambda function.
  • Cache Hit Rate: All Metrics > Cloudfront > Per-Distribution Metrics > Requests

  • Lambda Invocations: All Metrics > Lambda > By Function Name > Invocations

  • Lambda Execution Time: All Metrics > Lambda > By Funcion Name > Duration


Typical execution times for a properly configured AWS install are 125 ms p50 (mean), 800 ms p99.


Deleting the CloudFormation stack will delete the CloudFront distribution, Lambda function and all associated resources, but leave the bucket untouched.

Cache Invalidation

  • For AWS Cloudfront, issue prefix-based invalidations at the Cloudfront Console. The first 1000 invalidations per month are free (a prefix = 1 invalidation).
  • A cache purge will result in new billable events in Lambda and reads from the origin S3 object.

Lambda Configuration

The raw Lambda function embedded in the CloudFormation template is also available at Note that this must be uploaded as a .zip file containing the single file index.js.

Lambda environment variables:

  • BUCKET: the S3 bucket name.
  • PMTILES_PATH: optional, define how a tileset name is translated into an S3 key. Default {name}.pmtiles
    • Example path setting for objects in a directory: my_folder/{name}/file.pmtiles
  • CORS: optional, set the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header. Examples:, *. Only supports one origin, so useful for development or staging environments only. For production use you should use CloudFront CORS configuration.
  • CACHE_MAX_AGE: max age in the CloudFront cache, in seconds. default 86400, or 1 day.
  • CACHE_CONTROL: HTTP header value to control caching, default public, max-age=86400 (1 day).

An open source mapping system released under the BSD and ODbL licenses.